
Home Profile
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  • Arya Samaj Name:Arya Samaj paschim vibhag nayas
  • Arya Samaj Address:Ram nagar, Ausa road, Latur. Maharashtra.
  • Reference Person:Shri. Rajendra Dive

Yet not updated by the member.

  • Age (DOB):26 Years ( 1-08-1998)
  • Marital statusUnmarried
  • Mother TongueMarathi
  • Physical StatusNormal
  • Body TypeSlim
  • Weight----
  • ComplexionFair
  • Blood Group----
  • GotraDayanand
  • Birth PlaceLatur
  • ManglikNo
  • Resident Status----
  • NRINo
  • EducationME M.Tech / M.Tech from IISC Bangalore
  • OccupationHardware Professional / Semiconductor mfg company
  • Employed inPrivate
  • Annual Income :Rs. 10,00,001 - 20,00,000
  • Family Type : Nuclear
  • Family Values : ----
  • Family Status : Middle Class
  • Ancestral Origin : ----
  • Father's Name : Subhash Mehtre
  • Father's Occupation : Employed
  • Mother's Name : Supriya Mehtre
  • Mother's Occupation : Home Maker
  • Brother Detail

  • No of Brother : 1
  • No of Brother Married : None
  • Sister’s Detail

  • No of Sister : None
  • No of Sister Married : None
  • About Family : Simple living and high value believing family
  • NRI : All
  • Age between : 27 To 30
  • Height between : ----
  • Marital Status : Unmarried
  • Physical Status : Normal
  • Complexion : Fair
  • Education : Masters
  • Occupation : Any
  • Employed in : ----
  • Annual Income : Min. 0 To Max. 0
  • Country : India
  • State : Any