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Arya Parivar Vivah Yogya Yuvak Yuvati Parichay Sammelan

Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati has declared that the best form of marriage is that by choice i.e., Svayamvara. He has also prescribed for introduction meeting between the boy and girl as following, "They should be allowed to converse with each other or hold a discussion (on any subject to test each other's knowledge and ability) in the presence of their tutors, parents and other respectable people. Whatever questions or answers, on any confidential subjects, one would like to put, or give to the other, should be done in writing before the assembly."


Following his directions, Arya Samaj organizes Matrimonial Introduction Conferences from time to time at various places to let eligible members of the Arya Families meet and converse with each other. Participants give their introduction on stage and interested parties approach and meet each other to finalize their matrimony. These events have been fruitful in helping find suitable match for the participants.


If you want to participate in the coming Matrimonial Introduction Conference, please contact our Customer Care Executive.

Parichay Sammelan 2017

Ashok Vihar